Triglav – highest and most venerated mountain in Slovenia with an elevation of 2864 meters was on my bucket list for quite a long time. It was a blitzkrieg plan. Friend of mine asked me about my plans for the weekend and we quickly agree on Triglav hiking adventure. But not in a classic way at the midday, when Triglav is occupied with hundreds of tourists. Let’s go in the middle of the night and watch the sunrise on the top of it. We were lucky because it was a warm, bright full moon night. I was not in a hiking shape for such a long and exhausting hike. Somehow we manage to do it in one day, all the way up and down, after 15 hours of hiking. The reward was priceless, a carpet of clouds below us and lovely sunrise just few minutes after our arrival on the top of the mountain.
Start: 15.09.2019 23:00
End: 16.09.2019 14:00
Some statistics: 290 taken photos, 15 hours of hiking, 40800 steps and 28 km distance, 6 l of water, 4 blisters.
Check GPS data [click here] of our hike from the Pokljuka Plateau all the way up to the Aljaž Tower.
Some of the best photos with the basic information are listed below. Enjoy and feel free to leave a comment.